Assessment Care Agreement Queensland: A Comprehensive Guide

In Queensland, Australia, an Assessment Care Agreement (ACA) is a legally binding document that outlines the care and support a person with a disability or complex needs requires. The ACA is designed to ensure that the support provided to these individuals is tailored to their specific needs and in line with their goals and aspirations.

The ACA is a collaborative agreement between the person with disability, their carer, and the service provider. It outlines the responsibilities of each party and the level of support required. The ACA includes a range of information such as the individual’s health and medical needs, personal hygiene needs, communication needs, social and emotional needs, and behavioral needs.

The assessment process

The process of obtaining an ACA involves an assessment by a professional assessor who is trained to identify the individual’s strengths, needs and goals. The assessor will conduct a comprehensive assessment of the person’s physical, social, emotional, and behavioral needs, using a range of assessment tools and techniques.

Once the assessment is complete, the assessor will work with the individual with disability, their carer, and service provider to develop the ACA. The ACA will outline the level of support required and the goals and aspirations of the individual. It will also include a plan for reviewing and updating the agreement over time as the individual’s needs change.

The benefits of an ACA

An ACA provides a range of benefits to the individual with disability, their carer, and service provider. It ensures that the support provided is tailored to the individual’s specific needs and goals. This means that the individual can receive the level of support they need to achieve their goals and aspirations and lead a fulfilling life.

The ACA also provides clarity and accountability for all parties involved. It outlines the roles and responsibilities of each party, ensuring that everyone is clear on what is expected of them. This can result in better outcomes for the individual with disability, as everyone involved in their care is working together towards a common goal.


The Assessment Care Agreement is a vital document that provides a comprehensive guide to the care and support required by individuals with disability or complex needs in Queensland. It ensures that the support provided is tailored to the individual’s specific needs and goals, and provides clarity and accountability for everyone involved in their care. If you or a loved one requires an ACA, contact your local service provider or disability services organization for more information.